Bill Veeck hired Eddie Gaedel, who was a midget, as a pinch hitter. Eddie wore the number 1/8 and walked on four of the pitches. Will Harridge, the American League president, state that Veeck was making a mockery out of the game of baseball. Eddie only had a one day career in the MLB. This stunt by Bill led to many other teams hiring midgets. Eddie and Bill got a lot of attention and it benefited them both.
I would rather sell 10,000 tickets for $2.00 each. By doing this, it will be easier to get more people in the stands and more people to buy concessions and souvenirs. The ticket sells will make the same revenue, but people will have more money in their pocket to spend on other stuff in the stadium. In a professional and college level, you would want more people in the seats to watch the game.
Besides the commercials that were going on throughout the Super Bowl, there were many other types of advertising. In the stands of the stadium, there were advertising that changed to something different every so often. The announcers also stated some companies and advertising slogans. The players also have some small logos on their uniforms like the NFL logo and the Super Bowl logo.