I have learned a lot in this class. I learned how hard it is to grab people’s attention when writing your blogs, but anyone can do it. There is a lot of writing involved in promoting and marketing sports. All the blogs, media kits, articles, flyers, brochures, sponsorship agreements, liability forms, etc. Each one is different and you have to come up with those ideas and be creative to where people have never seen that before.

Sport marketers are going to have a hard time in the future for getting sponsorships. Many sponsorship companies are going green and also using technology to promote themselves rather than getting a sign at the local baseball field. Marketers are going to have to build a strong relationship with the company to try and get the sponsorship. They are also going to have to watch what sponsorships they get since all of the health issues for alcohol, smoking, etc. come out.

Kellogg’s will not renew its sponsorship contract with 14-time Olympic gold medal champion Michael Phelps. The company said that Phelps’ recent acknowledgment of marijuana use, and subsequent apology, was “not consistent with the image” of the company. Speedo announced the extension of an endorsement deal with world-record swimmer Michael Phelps through 2009. He is Speedo's richest swimwear sponsorship to date. They say the amount of money will help keep him motivated. Many companies use Olympics athletes, especially around Olympic time to promote their products. The moral clause aspect is good for the athlete to remember that they are in the eyes of the public. It also helps the image of the company.

There are so many promotions out there and so many that people already tried but they did not work. It is hard to come up with a brand new idea to sell more tickets to a baseball game. They could have different days where people dress up or have days where everything is half off. Charity days might be a good hit now since that is really big. Technology is a big impact on selling tickets. Many people just buy their tickets online instead of calling or visiting the stadium. 

Naming rights are a financial transaction and form of advertising where a corporation or other entity purchases the right to name a facility or event, typically for a defined period of time. The Ohio State-Michigan game could be sponsored by many different companies. I think it should be a company that many northerners know of.

Twitter is becoming very popular in the sports marketing field. People can follow their favorite player and teams and get updates on everything that is happening. They can advertise for contests or promotions that can attract followers that may not have planned on attending the event originally. By doing this, many fans will re-tweet it and so the message gets out to more people than it would in a commercial. Twitter is also free, so the company can save money in the marketing department. 

Bill Veeck hired Eddie Gaedel, who was a midget, as a pinch hitter. Eddie wore the number 1/8 and walked on four of the pitches. Will Harridge, the American League president, state that Veeck was making a mockery out of the game of baseball. Eddie only had a one day career in the MLB. This stunt by Bill led to many other teams hiring midgets. Eddie and Bill got a lot of attention and it benefited them both.
I would rather sell 10,000 tickets for $2.00 each. By doing this, it will be easier to get more people in the stands and more people to buy concessions and souvenirs. The ticket sells will make the same revenue, but people will have more money in their pocket to spend on other stuff in the stadium. In a professional and college level, you would want more people in the seats to watch the game.
Besides the commercials that were going on throughout the Super Bowl, there were many other types of advertising. In the stands of the stadium, there were advertising that changed to something different every so often. The announcers also stated some companies and advertising slogans. The players also have some small logos on their uniforms like the NFL logo and the Super Bowl logo. 

There are many benefits to having a blog on a business’s website. Blogs are free advertising for some companies. They can easily attract more traffic to your website and get more customers involved in the company. Having a blog also makes the company look professional and knowledgeable about their industry. By looking professional, companies will attract more customers. Differentiating yourself from other companies is another benefit to having blogs. A company that has more to offer their customers will see an increase in the number of customers they receive. Having a blog can also help the community around the company. Companies that get involved in their community get more respect by their customers and they look good as a company. They also help the community stay informed on how the company is doing.

I would write about the team and how they are doing in and out of the season of the sport. During the season I would have all the statistics on the blog, but also stories about any events that are coming up or any public news about the team or players. I would also get the community involved by getting them to comment on some questions to make things fun. Keeping the community and fans informed about the team and also the business aspects of the team is important to keep them all involved and informed.